Manna Hotel LARP PCs

Here you;ll find the PCs from the Manna Hotel LARP that I wrote and ran recently.

Six core characters:
Tanner Cross, host of TV’s “Crosswords”
Howard Roberts, cameraman for News Channel Six
Sheriff Nelson Deharo, smalltown sheriff
Roxie Heart, famous rock star
Dante / Deedee Underwood, owns the hotel
Coleman / Karen Kane, bigshot music executive

If you have an odd number of players, add one of these two:
Winston / Winona Slater, “backup singer”
Candice Cross, ambitious TV producer

If you have eight or more, add these two:
Georgia Vang, rising young lawyer
Dwight Dickerson, hotel clerk

If you have ten or more, add:
Janie Lansing, back in her hometown once again
Marty / Marcy Lowell, quiet local

Other useful cards:
Outcome badges (These were used in the conflict resolution for the game.)