Another monster from the 2nd edition Monstrous Compendium – Spelljammer Appendix, updated to 4e. No added backstory this time.
Lutum mudshadow
Level 9 lurker
Medium elemental animate (ooze, shapechanger, earth)
400 xp
Initiative +14
Perception +7
HP 75 Bloodied 37
AC 20 Fort 20 Ref 22 Will 22
Immune petrification, resist 10 poison
Move 7
Earthly Advantage
The Lutum gains combat advantage against any creature that occupies a square of difficult terrain.
Dirty Tricks
The Lutum deals +1d12 damage on melee attacks against targets granting combat advantage.
The lutum ignores difficult terrain caused by rubble, uneven stone, earthen construction or the powers or any lutum.
Standard Actions:
Muddy Fist (At-will, basic attack)
+14 vs. AC; 1d12+7 damage.
Minor Actions:
Deceptive Veil (At-will, only when not bloodied)
The Lutum can disguise itself as any Medium female humanoid, including unique individuals. A successful DC 25 Insight check can see through the illusion.
Earth to Mud (encounter)
All squares within a Close burst 1 become difficult terrain until the end of the encounter.
Move Actions:
Passwall (Recharge 4,5,6)
The Lutum gains phasing and a burrow speed of 7, then shifts her speed. After shifting, if she has concealment or cover, the lutum mudshadow can make a Stealth check.
Triggered Actions
Bloodied Escape (Free action, encounter)
Trigger: the lutum mudshadow becomes bloodied
Effect: Any magical disguise that the mudhsadow has is dismissed. The mudshadow makes a melee basic attack against an adjacent creature, then shifts its speed, with phasing. If it has concealment after this shift, the mudshadow can make a Stealth check.
Str 14 Con 17 Dex 20 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 18
Stealth +15 Bluff +12
Alignment: Evil Languages: Common, Dwarven, Giant, one other
Lutum stoneshaper
Level 8 controller (leader)
Medium elemental animate (ooze, shapechanger, earth)
350 xp
Initiative +7
Perception +7
HP 88 Bloodied 44
AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 18 Will 22
Immune petrification, resist 10 poison
Move 6
Earthly Advantage
The Lutum gains combat advantage against any creature that occupies a square of difficult terrain.
The lutum ignores difficult terrain caused by rubble, uneven stone, earthen construction or the powers or any lutum.
Earthly Healing Aura 5
Any lutums in the aura gain regeneration 5 while they occupy a square of difficult terrain.
Standard Actions:
Muddy Fist (At-will, melee basic attack)
+14 vs. AC; 1d12+7 damage and prone.
Glob of mud (at-will, ranged basic attack)
+12 vs. Ref; 1d12+9 damage and the square the target occupies becomes difficult terrain until the end of the encounter.
Mudpit (at will) area burst 1 within 10; targets enemies
+12 vs. Ref; 1d8+8 damage and slowed (save ends).
Wall of stone (encounter)
Effect: the stoneshaper create an area wall 6 within 10 squares. The wall is 2 squares high, and it lasts until the end of the encounter. It blocks all movement, line of sight and line of effect through its squares. Enemies adjacent to the wall when it is created are subject to an attack:
+12 vs Fort; 2d10+8 damage and immobilized (save ends).
Minor Actions:
Deceptive Veil (At-will, only when not bloodied)
The Lutum can disguise itself as any Medium female humanoid, including unique individuals. A successful DC 25 Insight check can see through the illusion.
Stoneshape (at-will, once per round)
The stoneshaper creates a square of blocking terrain within 10 squares. It blocks all movement, line of sight and line of effect through its squares
Triggered Actions
Bloodied Grasp (Free action, encounter)
Trigger: the lutum stoneshaper becomes bloodied
Effect: Any magical disguise that the stoneshaper has is dismissed. The stoneshaper makes a basic attack against an creature within 10 squares. If that attack hit, the target is immobilized (save ends).
Str 13 Con 16 Dex 15 Int 20 Wis 13 Cha 17
Bluff +14
Alignment: Evil Languages: Common, Dwarven, Giant, one other
Lutum Groundpounder
Level 7 soldier
Medium elemental animate (ooze, shapechanger, earth)
300 xp
Initiative +7
Perception +3
HP 80 Bloodied 40
AC 24 Fort 21 Ref 21 Will 18
Immune petrification, resist 10 poison
Move 6
Earthly Advantage
The Lutum gains combat advantage against any creature that occupies a square of difficult terrain.
The lutum ignores difficult terrain caused by rubble, uneven stone, earthen construction or the powers or any lutum.
Threatening Reach (only while bloodied)
While bloodied, the lutum groundpounder can make opportunity attacks against any creature within 2 squares that provokes a opportunity attack.
Standard Actions:
Muddy Grab (At-will, melee basic attack)
+13 vs. AC; 1d12+8 damage and grabbed (until escape). While disguised, the groundpounder can only maintain one grab at a time. When not disguised, the ground pounder can maintain any number of grabs.
Squeeze (at-will)
Each grabbed target takes 10 damage.
Minor Actions:
Deceptive Veil (At-will, only when not bloodied)
The Lutum can disguise itself as any Medium female humanoid, including unique individuals. A successful DC 25 Insight check can see through the illusion.
Earth to Mud (at-will) close burst 1, targets enemies
+12 vs. Fort; prone.
Triggered Actions
Bloodied Grab (Free action, encounter)
Trigger: the lutum stoneshaper becomes bloodied
Effect: Any magical disguise that the stoneshaper has is dismissed. The stoneshaper makes a basic attack against every creature in a close burst 1.
Str 15 Con 19 Dex 16 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 17
Bluff +14
Alignment: Evil Languages: Common, Dwarven, Giant, one other