Gelatinous Owlbear
Level 8 Elite brute
Large Aberrant beast
XP 700
HP 212 Bloodied 106
AC 20 Fort 23 Reflex 21 Will 18
Speed 5 (cannot shift)
Saving throws +2 Action points: 1
Made of Goo
Whenever an adjacent enemy attacks and hits the Gelatinous Owlbear, they take 5 acid damage.
While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half speed, it doesn’t take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn’t grant combat advantage for squeezing.
The gelatinous owlbear is invisible until seen (Perception DC 25) or until it attacks. A creature that fails to notice the cube might walk into it, automatically being grabbed by the gelatinous owlbear.
Standard actions:
Slimy claw (Basic attack, melee 2) +14 vs AC; 2d8+8 acid damage and target is immobilized (save ends).
Double slap: the gelatinous owlbear makes two basic attacks against the same or different target. If both attacks hit the same target, then the target is grabbed (until escape). The gelatinous owlbear can extrude new pseudopods to grab any number of creatures.
Gnawing Beak: All creatures grabbed by the gelatinous owlbear take 2d8+11 acid damage.
Triggered actions:
Vomitous Hoot: (Immediate Interrupt, at-will) Trigger: An enemy makes an opportunity attack against the gelatinous owlbear. Close blast 3 (creatures in blast) +12 vs. Fort; push 3 squares, immobilized and prone (save ends both).
Str 20, Con 16, Dex 14, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 10
Alignment: Unaligned Languages: –