
  • [Fiasco] Solarman

    Have you seen the Asshole Project? It a charity effort to raise money for Amnesty International. They’ll do this by writing up a big book of asshole NPCs for use in Fiasco (or other games), dubbed appropriately enough, The Fiasco Big Book of Assholes. Like a monster manual for your standard RPG, but full of…

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  • [House of Masks] New playtest version

    House of Masks 0.3 is the latest revision of my (award winning) 2008 Game Chef game. The idea with this one is that it is a series of cards to be read out loud as you play to explain the entire game. (The last few pages are the backs of the first few pages, and…

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  • [House of Masks] Version 0.3 playtest

    House of Masks playtest Last night, we played House of Masks for the first time in two or three years. Six players, total play time about two hours to tell a complete, interesting fantasy story. Everybody seemed to have fun, I think, and the fundamentals of the game design mostly seemed to work. (The following…

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  • [Game Chef 2012] Crash! / Lanterns of the Dead

    Crash! / Lanterns of the Dead is a game that I made for the 2012 Game Chef RPG design competition thing. Crash / Lanterns of the Dead is two game in one: a game about a crashed astronaut, and a game about an alien culture. The two culture (and the two games) inevitably collide in…

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  • [Game Chef 2012] Astronauts and Aliens rough draft

    I’ve got a rough draft of my Game Chef game ready at this point: Astronauts and Aliens. It still needs some work, but I think this will be a really fun game with a bit of work.

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  • Project Phaeton – One Page Version

    Project Phaeton – One Page Dungeon Version

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  • [D&D 4e] Gelatinous Owlbear

    Gelatinous Owlbear Level 8 Elite brute Large Aberrant beast XP 700 HP 212 Bloodied 106 AC 20 Fort 23 Reflex 21 Will 18 Speed 5 (cannot shift) Saving throws +2 Action points: 1 Traits: Made of Goo Whenever an adjacent enemy attacks and hits the Gelatinous Owlbear, they take 5 acid damage. Ooze While squeezing,…

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  • [D&D 4e] Dark Sun NPCs

    I might as well share my GM prepwork with the world, right? Here are a handful of NPCs from the Dark Sun game I’m running. Sickly Gaj Level 3 Elite Controller Initiative +2 Perception +7 AC 18 (see Crack the Shell) Fort 15 Ref 13 Will 17 HP: 92. Bloody 46 Speed 4 Saves +2…

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  • Dictator LARP

    This was a game I wrote and ran in 2007, about a dictatorship and a deceased dictator. Larp report over here. Introduction Introduction Anselm Bertholf Biali cecyl Clement Eustace Eva Gudrun Jurgen Renata Sabine stanislaw stasio Thought Infected

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  • Pumpkin Patch

    Pumpkin Patch is a Parsely game desiged by my five year old daughter, Maddy. The first page of the PDF is the game in a straightforward text manner. The second page is the same game, but reformatted to be a PocketMod.

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