alien life

  • Project Phaeton – One Page Version

    Project Phaeton – One Page Dungeon Version

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  • Rosalind Wells, Ambassador to Space

    Rosalind Wells, Ambassador to Space! is a game I made for my daughter’s birthday, so that we could play it together. (Rosalind Wells, Ambassador to Space is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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  • Return to Maniac Mansion

    Return to Maniac Mansion is a game I made for Johnathan Walton’s Stage One. It’s a fictional internal memo among some unnamed Lucasarts employees, and also a playable roleplaying game.

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  • [D&D 4e] Fractines

    Fractines are a mirror based monster that appear in 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons’ Spelljammer Monstrous Compendium Appendix. Unfortunately, they are really lacking in any sort of backstory or flavor or story hooks. And that’s sad, because I really like weird mirror based enemies in my games (like the Nerra from the 3.x Fiend Folio).…

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  • [InSpectres] The Second Chance

    Soon hopefully, we’ll be playing Inspectres , specifically the InSpace mod that makes the game into a space opera science fiction mystery game. Anyway, check out the character sheet I made for the ship the PCs will be on: The Second Chance

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  • Go Fast, Turn Left

    go fast, turn left A superfast, superdumb game about illegal underground aliens holding illegal, underground car races.

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  • Twisted Space

    A D&D encounter about actually using non-Euclidean geometry at the gaming table.

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