
  • [Actual Play] So Now You’re a Time Traveler

    The Party of One podcast played So No You’re a Time Traveler, my two page time travel game.

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  • [Actual Play] Tricks and Treats

    The Weekly Affirmations YouTube channel played Tricks and Treats (my Halloween Lasers and Feelings hack) and it was weird and funny like a comic book by Jhonen Vasquez.

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  • [Actual Plays] The Devil John Moulton

    I decided that I should keep track of places where my games have been discussed or played online. So here are some places where I have seen my game, The Devil, John Moulton, played or talked about in some way: Actual Play Liberation Industries has a 4 part series of play in podcast form: Part…

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  • [Doodles and Dragons] Vast and Starlit

    Epidiah Ravachol is selling a microgame via self-addressed stamped envelope. To buy it, you mail him a dollar and a picture that you drew. These are the pictures that I drew. Sometime in the next few days I’ll mail them to him.

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  • Whittling back towards minimalism

    I had brief plans for a complicated token economy for my NaGaDeMon game. (The game which still needs a title. Titles are hard.) You’d earn tokens when you proposed how things would turn out but someone chose a different path, then you’d spend those tokens on all sorts of things. Getting more votes, bribing other…

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  • Introduction

    Hello. I’m Nick, and I like games. Mainly tabletop roleplaying games, but also live action roleplaying (LARPs), video games, board games, etc. And I like stories, game design and a host of geeky things. I like making games, particularly the roleplaying kind. This blog will be the repository for the weird half finished rpgs that…

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